A downloadable asset pack

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You are free to use these Icons in any project You have. Commercial, Free... Game, Website, Movie - anything.

You are not allowed to sell these icons, modified or original, they stay free!

Would be really nice if You include this Itch.io page in Description/Comments/Credits of Your project if You use these Icons.

Itch.io Team is free to use these Icons on their website.

Original files are 2048x2048 pixels, Original Shape data is 4096x4096 pixels, if You want to get Project Files to change Colors or want even higher resolution - Become 3$ Patreon or donate at least 3$ here then... contact me somehow... I don't really know yet how Itch.io works :P

Free Icons are 512x512 pixels big.

Before You join, both Patreon and Discord contains random NSFW Content, if You want to talk/ask something in SFW enviroment try somehow via Itch.io, I will try to answer :D

Update, I'm gonna drop few more icons probably every day, today I have these :D Use however You like ( Shield with Key is 1900x1900 px - forgot to scale down :P )


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Icons20.rar 1.1 MB
Icons24.rar 1.4 MB
Icons36.rar 1.9 MB

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